Tuesday, 8 March 2011

A Change of Heart

It has taken me until now to realise it but I actually am not that keen on going back to the UK permanently in June. Yes, it will be nice to see my family and friends (and Boyo) but really, what else is there to keep me there? I think that all of those people, though they would miss me terribly, would eventually come to terms with me not being in the UK on a regular basis. Also, there are no jobs there for anyone, let alone someone with something as apparently useless as a language degree! So, dear readers, I think I have come up with a plan. A fairly vague one at that, but it's there. 
Step 1) Go back to the UK and scrounge off the parents for a few months
Step 2) Get a well-paid job and do some serious saving up
Step 3) Do a TEFL course
It's that fourth step that really appeals to me. Ever since I first lived abroad I have always wanted to see more of the world. With a TEFL qualification I could do this, not stay in one place for too long and see all kinds of crazy places. I know it's still only a pipe dream at the moment but I'm actually quite excited about it. For the first time ever I actually kind of know what I want to do, at least for the next couple of years!

PS to those of you who are shouting and screaming "But you don't want to be a teacher! You don't like children!", I would want to teach adults. So there.

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