Here are the results of a day of wandering from a couple of weeks ago. For some reason I forgot to put the pictures up, so here they are now.
Kettenbrückengasse U Bahn station can only mean one thing; the Naschmarkt. Because of this I think it is my favourite stop.
The Majolikahaus is on the Wienzeile by the side of the market and it is ever so pretty, especially in the sun.
I am not sure what this one is called but it is also Otto Wagner and so I automatically love it. Lots and lots of lovely gold.
I love the shouting girl on the top but I wish a bird hadn't pooed on her.
I think somehow these stickers must have got to the Middle East and that is why loads of crazy stuff has been going on recently:
It must be spring because every florist is selling pussy willow. One of the lovely things about the Austrians is that they decorate their houses all year round, not just for Christmas.
Another of my favourite buildings in Wienna- the Secession. Inside is a Klimt painting. I went to see it when I first visited Wienna. All I can remember is that it has got something to do with Beethoven and there is an angry looking gorilla on it. Also, the gift shop was very good.
Lovely lovely gold:
Lovely lovely Jugendstil:
Almost every chemist's has a clock on the sign. Why, I will never know. It's weird but I kind of like it.
The Otto Wagner pavillions by Karlsplatz are really famous.
Good thing too, because they are super pretty. Gold and sunflowers, it doesn't get much better than that!
I am not sure how but I think this is the first picture I have ever posted of Stephansplatz which is a bit crazy because I have thousands of pictures of it. It's like the Eiffel Tower of Wienna (in terms of being a major tourist attraction, not how it looks OBVIOUSLY)
The clock at Hoher Markt is Jugendstil too. Apparently there are figures that dance at midday but I have not seen it yet. One day I will make sure I am in the area at the right time.
Oh yes, and I went to the Leopold Museum:
It was quite good, but I did not appreciate the feminist weird stuff. I think I am being followed by it. The Klimt and Kolo Moser stuff was nice though, as was the view from the top:
No more for now, goodbye!
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