Sunday 9 January 2011

2011- onwards and upwards

Hello and a (very belated) Happy New Year to all. I have not updated because I have been busy enjoying doing nothing in the UK. New Year's Eve was nice, a quiet affair with friends I have known for a million years. For some reason unbeknownst to me, there are no photos. Must try harder in that area. So, 2011 began with me not leaving the house for 4 days, which sounds terrible but was actually terreBRILL. I made loads of things including:

origami cranes, inspired by my little Japanese boy
and loads of soup. Also probably quite a lot of mess but that goes without saying really!

On Friday I trekked down to Wales to stay in a house much more conveniently placed than mine when flying from Bristol airport. Oh, and I suppose to see the Boy too. It was nice, he took me out. To a restaurant. And I behaved almost appropriately. The only thing that went a bit wrong was that I dropped mango chutney  everywhere but that is only a minor mishap, I didn't even spit drink anywhere! Also, we did cooking. Well, I say "we" but actually mean "I". It was delissssssssssh.
stuffed peppers with ricotta and spinach
I think the Boy even surprised himself by enjoying a meal made entriely from vegetables. It was a triumph!

Now I am back in Wienna and it is freezing. I am in bed wearing as many layers as is humanly possible. I am contemplating my earmuffs (courtesy of Spaddock) too. I am totally dreading this term but let's see shall we? A bit of positive thinking might make it easier than I am expecting! That is all for now, I need to go and find yet another pair of socks before I develop frostbite!

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