Saturday 20 November 2010

Turning a corner...

I think maybe, just maybe, things are starting to get a bit better. Perhaps this is just because I have been at Good School this week and my opinion of Austrian students is a little better, but perhaps because I am making more of an effort to think positively. I really think the break away to the East did me a lot of good. This week the following good things have happened to me:

-we got paid. Finally I could go shopping. I am now the proud owner of new boots (more than one pair but I shan't say how many for fear of being ridiculed by several people) and a new coat which is beautiful but totally impractical for somewhere as windy as Wienna. Oh, and another special needs hat.

-HARRY POTTER HARRY POTTER HARRY POTTER. Yes, I realise that someone of my age should not be as excited about this but it was brilliant. Sadly my friends would not let me go in fancy dress but I still enjoyed it very much. Apart from the sad bits which I had forgotten about. But yes, I am very excited for the next part. Must read all the books again when I get home. Oh, and I know Ron has always been rather dishy in my eyes but in this film he has really buffed up. He could save me from drowning any day, hopefully with the kiss of life!

-Christkindlmärkte. The nicest thing about winter in Austria. Glühwein galore. Went to the Rathaus market on Tuesday and Schönbrunn this evening. I could spend so much money there, even just on food and drink. Stand by for more pictures as I will definitely be taking about a zillion more!

 -Süssi. This is a tiny little cafe (quite expensive) near Karlsplatz with lots of French specialities. I had some kind of chocolate orange dessert thing and some really good coffee. Definitely a good way to get out of the cold!

Another thing that could be improving my mood is that the Boy is coming to visit tomorrow. Though I am not overly enamoured by the idea of having to trek all the way to Bratislava to meet him, I am rather excited by the prospect of some Cadbury's chocolate!
That's all for now my loves, Tschussi! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I think you have cut the photos from a magazine. Nothing looks that good. Of course I have green eyes
