Tuesday 30 November 2010


Last week was a bad week at school, and that's putting it mildly. In a class of 11 students I confiscated 8 phones. It seemed like every class was on a mission to give me grief. A student in one class told me I had a choice whether to be there or not. The teacher later defended him by saying that his English was bad and he was just glad of the opportunity to use the word "choice". Yes, really. Mind you, this is the teacher that a couple of weeks ago blamed the behaviour on the wind. So, I was hating Bad School more than usual. Tonight I went for a drink with a couple of other TA's. Abby and I were sitting in the pub and a girl came over to our table and offered to buy me a drink (in English). I had no idea what was going on and I was like "ERRRRRR.... what?!" as it seemed incredibly random, even for Austria. Then she started apologising and saying how bad she and her friends felt and then I realised that she was one of the students from that class! Her and the five other girls from that class felt so bad that when they saw me go into the pub, they decided to buy me a drink by way of apology. Which was really kind, I thought. Especially as it wasn't them that had been misbehaving. Either way, it was a lovely gesture.

Not a lot else to tell, I have been off today and yesterday and have spent the greater majority of my time wandering around the shops. Today I found this awesome little place that sells beads and books. Only like two of my favourite things EVERRRR. Rather than tidying up this afternoon I have made some rather fetching jewellery.

I hear there is a lot of snow in the UK. Well, from the media coverage you'd think it was some kind of frozen apocalypse. I know of several people who have had days off because of the snow, but one friend (whose information is usually quite correct) says there is actually only about two inches and that people are just being girls about it. This is probably true, and it is really the Councils who need to get better facilities for dealing with the inclement (wow, what a word!) weather. Here there has been hardly any, and what little there was has been cleared away very quickly. I think it's coming this week though, so let's see what happens. No chance of a snow day for me though!

One more thing... I sent postcards from Sofia. Apparently some of them have arrived! Even though I sent them on the side of a tram. I will never doubt the Post-Communist systems again!


  1. I actually choked on my noodles when I read the bit about fetching jewellery.

  2. 13 inches of snow in Kent. Unimpressed.
    Love you.
