Tuesday 21 September 2010

First Blog Post Ever

Whaddup. So yes, this is the first of many posts. The adventure starts TOMORROW! Actually In 25 hours I will be in Wien. Homeless, probably sleeping on the streets, but I will be there. Then surely everything else will work itself out, no? Packing is going relatively well, though I am all too aware that red suede boots are not appropriate for a country where there is snow on the ground for 5 months of the year, so they have, regrettably, been tossed aside. Trying to make space for the Dirndl, though I don't suppose I would be too heartbroken if I had to buy another one out there. I could start a collection! Have stocked up on trashy magazines to keep me entertained until I find the Austrian equivalent of Pick Me Up. Have just booked hostel so will at least have a roof over my head for the first night. I know I said I will be homeless, but fingers crossed I'm going to live with a friend's cousin. Her flat is in the same Bezirk as my schools so it would be perfect. Also, internet is included so that's already an improvement on last year! Well, that is all for now. Time to go and watch one last Come Dine With Me and Coach Trip and Neighbours. Oh and last meal is lasagne and lemon cheesecake. Best. Thing. Ever.

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