Thursday 2 December 2010

Soup soup a lovely soup soup a tasty carrot and

Yesterday was been the first real day of snow in Wienna. Still nothing like the UK (yes, I now believe that it is genuinely a huge deal having seen The Parents' pictures) This has prompted lots of warming things, including homemade Glühwein which was DELISH (once we put sugar in it!). Another momentous thing that happened was that I cooked. Yes, really. I have been singing  this ever since because I made carrot and orange soup for Stella, Abby and me. It was quite nice actually, I am going to make it again soon as it is impossible to buy anything less than about a million carrots so there are still loads in the fridge. Maybe I will make bread bowls and get a bit fancy. In other cooking news I am psyching myself up to making gingerbread men for my Good School teachers. Those of you who remember Gingerbreadmangate of last year will surely understand why I am a little apprehensive!
Last night we we decided to go for a couple of drinks because cocktails are cheap at Downstairs on a Wednesday. It was really nice as we ended up running into a group of other assistants who I haven't seen for ages so we had a lovely chat.
 This week is a Good School week and they really are lovely. I never have to prepare anything, which is always a good thing, but my absolute favourite thing is that the students are actually interested in what I have to say, and they listen and almost always respond. Actually I had one bad class yesterday and the teacher wouldn't stop apologising afterwards. She was really shocked when I told her they were nowhere near as bad asmost of my classes at Bad School. It's so weird to see how different things are in two schools that are five minutes apart. Oh, another good school related thing is that I just had a phonecall about Nachhilfe. I'm going on Monday for the first time. The girl is only 11 so it might be quite difficult, but I'm really looking forward to it, for the extra money if nothing else!
Other things you may or may not be interested to know... it is 19 days until I will be almost back in civilisation. Well, Wales. Yesterday my advent calendar chocolate was a cracker and today's was a robin. Thanks Granny!
That's enough from me for now I think, byeeeeee!

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