Thursday 16 December 2010

Everyone's a little bit racist...

...especially the Austrians. Especially about the Turkish. They are incredibly rude about them and are very quick to bad mouth immigrants. While obviously this is horrible, it makes for some pretty funny mistakes in English classes. The other day I was in a class for the first time (I cannot believe I am still doing introductory lessons at the end of term!) and they were telling me about their school. HTL stands for Higher Technical School. One student said "for our school it means Higher Technical School, but for Suchandsuch school in Suchandsuch district, it means Higher Turkey School". Today in a class we were talking about weapons and the class were telling me how they feel the need to carry a weapon or pepper spray when walking alone at night, because "Austrian teenage boys are often attacked by turkeys" Obviously what they mean is Turkish people, but the image of them being chased by huge birds really did tickle me.
I continue to be erstaunt by how rude the Wieners are. I am kind of tickled to find that not even the rest of Austria like those from the capital. I was thinking the other day about my prospects for next year, and if I could guarantee that I was going to be in schools like I was last time, or if I could stay at good school permanently then I would seriously consider applying for a second year. Oh, that reminds me. I was talking to the teachers earlier and it turns out that Bad School has got a bit of a reputation for being full of horrible students.It's kind of nice to know that I am not just overreacting.
I've been doing a bit of tutoring recently. Last week I got paid 60 Euros to sit in Starbucks and talk to a girl whose English is actually really good because she wanted help writing a personal statement for UCAS. My other tutee is an 11 year old girl. I have to say, it's not a bad life when you get paid to talk about monsters, witches and animals.
Christmas is fast approaching and I am really looking forward to it. In 5 more sleeps I will be in the UK. I have been counting down to this for bloody ages so you had better make it awesome people. Just saying. I have somehow managed to get myself organised to actually write Christmas cards/letters so if you are lucky one will be on its way to you as I write. This is of course provided that I have written the address on and put stamps on, the other day I nearly posted a couple in just blank envelopes. Oh, funny story actually. In a crazy fit of organisation, I decided to wrap all of my presents up the other day. However, this plan kind of fell down in that I wrapped them all in the same paper and didn't label them straight away. So, my apologies in advance if things are a little mixed up!
One of the things I am looking forward to a lot is Indian food *hinthintAGRAHhinthint*. The other night Abby and I went to an Indian restaurant in the student area and it was really cool. It's a self service buffet and you basically pay what you want to. We paid 10 Euros for the food and a beer which I think was quite a lot more than other people but oh well! The food was quite good but it was not very spicy. And the Austrians complain that English food is bland!
Well, I think that is enough rambling for now, I'm going to the theatre tonight (for free!) with school and I'm meeting some of the teachers for a drink first. I know you are all desperate to hear about Prague and in due course (ie probably later on or tomorrow) I will write about it, but right now I should go and get out of my pyjamas...

1 comment:

  1. I like what you say about the austrians saying english food is bland. I am so fed up of the Germans here being like "yeah but english food is rubbish" when a. They have never had english food, b. german food is definitely more rubbish and c. it's just rude.

    They are also the same about chocolates, beer (and I like to point out that lager is considered the lowest of beers in england so they don't know what they're talking about) and many other things.

    rots of rove from the rand of the lising sun.
