Tuesday 1 March 2011

Missing things

This evening I have to do a lesson on British cuisine. Actually that is not strictly true, I do not have to at all, but I am sick of the Austrians telling me how rubbish British food is when their own is actually not much better. Apart from their puddings, I will give them that. All their cheese tastes the same, the chocolate is average and far too sugary and it is nigh on impossible to buy anything other than whole milk. Before you cry "But Ruth, you don't drink milk!" agog and aghast, I have started having cereal as it is much quicker than anything else when I have to be at work for 8am. Cola Light does NOT taste the same as Diet Coke and all the crisps are paprika flavour when what I really want is salt and vinegar. You can't get a pint of cider for under a fiver and sugar free squash does not seem to exist at all.
More than this, I am missing home cooking. Yes, I am capable of making myself but really I see very little point for just one person. Things I would do just about anything for right now:
-Mum's lasagne
-Dad's pizza (with olives, red onions, peppers, capers and fresh basil)
-Granny's roast potatoes
-Apple pie with custard
-Posh potato salad
-Macaroni cheese
-A cheese and beetroot (hand pickled by Dad) sandwich
-Any cake made by Granny
-A family get together meal with far too much food and as many puddings as you can fit in one bowl, ideally more than three.
I am also missing my friends and the pub quiz, even though we never won. I miss Orange Wednesdays and Pizza Express and Meadowhall and being able to nip to the shop at 11pm if I need anything. I miss Glamour and Pick Me Up and Love It! and any other magazine reporting on the amusing stupidity of people. I miss being able to wear nice shoes without having to think twice about whether I will be too cold without three pairs of socks. I miss having the full contents of my wardrobe and the ability to be able to update it for under a fiver just by going to Primark. I miss Neighbours and Coach Trip and Come Dine With Me. And obviously I miss people too but I am going to stop writing a list of things I miss now because it will make me sad and I am actually in quite a good mood today.

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