Wednesday 11 May 2011

Friedhof der Namenlosen

Hello, it's me again! I know you can't live without regular updates from my life, so I am making a concerted effort to find myself internet so as to keep you updated. Don't you feel blessed? Yesterday I went on a photographic mission. Yes, another one. I am desperately trying to save for Japan and so am having to find free ways to entertain myself. It is a good job that the most significant relationship in my life at the moment is with my camera and thus I am provided with ours of entertainment. I set off after school to find the Friedhof der Namenlosen (cemetery of the nameless) as I had read on the internet that it is worth a visit. I am still not sure whether I agree with this, you see, it was a bit of a trek. In fact I had to walk over an hour from the bus stop. Had I known that this would be the case I might not have gone. For ages and ages I was walking through a big industrial estate, but after that I was walking through nothingness. It was just like a limbo kind of area. I started to think that I had gone too far, but eventually I saw the docks in the distance and knew I was heading in the right direction. I walked past this:

which Boyo and I saw on the bus to Bratislava airport a couple of weeks ago. It is probably the biggest piece of graffiti I have ever seen! The docks are still in use, but the buildings all look quite old, like this one:
 I kept walking, feeling like I was in the wrong place. It may surprise you to know that a girl in a dress does not really fit in in a the dockyard. Finally, I came across a sign to the cemetery, and not a moment too soon because I was on the verge of turning round and going to find some ice cream. But then, there it was:
 The cemetery isn't in use any more. There are about 40 graves there, and all are of bodies that were washed up on the shores of the Danube. It is very atmospheric, and kind of sad that all these unknown people died. But it is really nice that someone thought them important enough to commemorate in some way. Obviously I took the obligatory graveyard photos:

 It was quite small, so I didn't stay long. Was it worth the epic journey? It would have been if I'd had a car, but as it stands I am not so sure. Though I didn't have anything else to do so I don't suppose it did any harm. Afterwards I went to sit in my new favourite place, the Burggarten. I like it a lot because it is pretty much the only place in Vienna where you can sit on the grass without being told off by the Grass Police. Of course there are signs telling you to keep off the grass but it seems to be the place to go if you are a conscientious objector and wish to go against the rules. Hurrah for rebellion. Yesterday I sat in the shade by the side of the Albertina:
Some of you might be aware of my Ice Cream Mission. When I was in Austria two years ago, the ultimate ice cream combination was Heidelbeer, Himbeer, Zitrone (blueberry, raspberry, lemon). This time, however, I felt that this needed a bit of updating. I have established that Zitrone and Kokos (lemon and coconut) are my favourites, but I am struggling to find a third flavour to complement the trio. I have tried Mohn (poppy seed) and I can tell you it is DEFINITELY not that. The Parents think pistachio might be good but I think that could possibly be a bit overpowering. Yesterday I went for Zitrone, Kokos, Erdbeer (strawberry) and while it was good, it was still not right!

I think that the flavour I am searching for is white chocolate, though I am yet to discover this on sale somewhere. I live in hope!

SOMEONE, not mentioning any names (it begins with B and ends with Oyo) complained that my recent posts have been all pictures and no words, I hope this post is satisfactory, I will try harder henceforth.

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