Thursday 26 May 2011

Wien-ing the race against time

As I mentioned previously, I only have 13 days left in Austria. WOOOOOOOOO. I went for a walk along the Danube.
 It is rather lovely in the sun. There are lots of disreputable looking bars all along the riverside.
 The building in the distance is some kind of social housing project. It looks like a kind of cool place to live, not far from the UN.
 I would never like to go waterskiing. I am sorry, but I just do not like to do Activities.
If you walk the other way, there are some kind of floating platforms which you can sit on. They are very popular, and you have to get there early. 
It is very relaxing, I caught the sun just lying there with my book. I was having a lovely time on my own for about two hours. Then, to my shock and horror, I had company. An old woman cycled up to my raft, and came and sat next to me. She then removed her shorts and shirt to reveal her swimming costume. She then proceeded to roll down her swimming costume, leaving her bits out for all to see. I was NOT IMPRESSED.
The Viennese are so arrogant, I can't wait to get away from them. 
 Here are a few other random photos from my wanderings. The Hofburg is pretty nice at sunset from up by the Albertina.
 Cafe Mozart is awful. The cake is good but the cafe is full of tourists. I shall NOT be going there again.
 This stork is in the First District. He is advertising a pharmacy. I think if I needed to buy drugs I would buy them from here.
 Architectural features always catch my eye, even if most people think they are boring.
 The Peterskirche is nice, from any angle.
 Recently it has been some kind of festival. I have not seen any of the events, but I like these big W things made from the flag.
 In the Botanical Garden there is a bamboo forest. I went in preparation for Japan.
 Sadly I only had my little camera with me, so this was the only photo that was worth salvaging was this one:
And that really is it for today. Goodbye, dear readers!
PS sorry for the weird layout of these posts, the computers in the internet are WEIRRRRRRRD.

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