Wednesday 4 May 2011

Wiedervereinigung der Fledglings

This was a truly momentous weekend. Mr Boring and I were reunited. In Munich. EXCIIIIITINNNNG!!!!
 It was a pretty epic journey for all concerned. While I was on the train going through the Salzburgerland, I remembered a question I asked myself back in October- have I made a huge mistake in going to Vienna? Looking at the countryside:
 and the scenery:
 ...and thinking about how Vienna has generally been a bit rubbish for me, it is safe to say that yes, it was a huge mistake. Oh well, never mind.
Look, here we are! Together! In the same continent/country/city/picture!!!! Ohhhhh, happy days.
 You will never guess what... it was spring in Munich too! Who knew?!
 The Wiedervereinigung really got going when we went to the Hofbrauhaus for a celebratory beer. There were some presents for Mr Boring:

 And we both had a small beer to celebrate being in the same place:

 There was some traditional Bayerisch grub for the hungry. Mmmmmm, fried egg on creamed spinach with potatoes
 Some people have been complaining that I have done too much posting about flowers recently and not enough about architecture. Sorry about that. Here is an architecture picture:
 It is safe to say that I heart Munich:
 Just a bit more confirmation that it was spring in Germany as well as Austria. I was a happy panda.
 All that photographing was thirsty work, so we went to test out a different beer:
 There was Spargel (asparagus) EVERYWHERE. Seriously, there was a Spargelstall at literally every opportunity. I laughed every time I saw it without fail. No idea why.
 After checking in to our very overpriced, far away hostel, we went for a picnic in a beautiful park:
 As per usual, things got a bit silly.
 The next day began with some more photographing
 Oh yes, while we were there the Royal Wedding happened. As a good Brit, I am now feeling a bit sad that I didn't watch it because I think it would have been quite nice. Lovely dress, anyway.
 Here is some spring AND architecture. Ha.
There are no photos from the Englische Garten because a funny thing happened. We ended up in the nudist section. This would not have been a problem, if we had not got stuck there! We had to walk through all the debauchery to get to a safe place. It was a traumatic experience for all, but we were consoled by........... (wait for the next post!)

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