Sunday 8 May 2011

Tales from (when I nearly didn't find) Vienna Woods

So, time is really tick tick ticking away and I am entering the home stretch. My flight is officially booked, I shall be returning to the UK on 8th June. Halle-bloody-lujah is all I can say. Seriously. But despite all the negative things, there are a lot of things I do like here, and lots of things I want to make sure I get round to doing before I leave. So, on my day off this week I decide to go to the Wienerwald because you can get to it by just staying on my tram line to the end. Or so I thought. I got off the tram and there were lots of houses and shops and cafes. So I kept on walking. After 15minutes I still hadn't found the woods and was beginning to think that Mr Strauss had imgined it all. However, I pesevered and eventually I came to this sign:
 finally, I was in the right place. It was lovely. There was nobody about and it was ever so peaceful. I took lots of "sunlight through leaves" pictures, inspired by one of the Great Masters.

 Right now it is Bärlauchzeit. Until now I thought Bärlauch was parsley but actually it is that wild garlic stuff.
 The Austrians love to make soup with it. Sounds like a great idea. Unless you are old and get it mixed up with something poisonous, like the old lady I read about in the paper the other day who died after using the wrong leaves.
 I saw a deer! I was very quiet, but sadly it didn't come any closer than this.
 After the woods (I retreated to the city because I got hungry and had forgotten to take any lunch with me) I went for a walk around the Ring. At the moment there is some kind of exhibition type thing
 It is to remember the Goodies from the war. Like Schindler, but Austrian. There are lots of very sad stories.
 In the evening I went to the Türkenschanzen Park which is not too far from my flat.This is the Turkish spring/fountain. I am not sure what it's for, but I like it.

Not having the internet is proving to be a bit of a pain, so I am going to overload you with more blog posts. Sorry about that.

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