Monday 4 April 2011

A Day Out in Bratislava

When it is 25 degrees and the sun is shining, what could be better than a trip to Bratislava for a Tesco picnic by the Danube?
 The answer to this question is... A trip to Bratislava for a Tesco picnic by the Danube with a camera to capture some of the classic sights of Slovakia. It seems that the penchant for tiny dogs has spread east of Vienna, except rather than carrying them in a little bag, the general consensus is that they look better in clothes. There were dogs wearing jeans, skirts, t-shirts (none of which I managed to photograph sadly) and then on the other extreme there were these hideous specimens:
 Possibly the most disgusting dogs on the planet. We tried to keep our laughs under wraps as the man was quite a beefcake and could possibly have beaten us all up, but his t-shirt said "we are delicate" so maybe we didn't have too much to worry about.
If you are from Slovakia, Sunday is the day to go out and about. It doesn't even matter if you forget to put your trousers on. Just go cycling in your pants!
 Or put on your best single colour outfit and go for a stroll.
Or dress your baby up as a leopard and take it to the jungle to do some exploring.
I am not sure if Slovakia have Big Fat Gypsy Weddings, but if they did I think these girls would LOVE one more than anything else in the world.
 We took a trip to the shopping centre but unfortunately we didn't get far as we were all on roller skates and didn't really have anywhere to hide our guns, so we were not allowed to go in.
 Laurie had a little ride on a Segway because "to try is free" and he was quite good actually, much better than the people who did it on Coach Trip.
 And of course no trip to Bratislava would be complete without going to say hello to the little man in the ground.
 There was a little one man band playing all the classics (can't remember which songs now, but they were definitely classics) and he had a very enthusiastic supporter with a shaker.
 There are some quite interesting delicacies available in Bratislava, this one in particular took my fancy.
 In one corner of the square were a lot of paper cranes. I thought it was a very nice way to say "we are thinking of you, Japan." I am thinking of Japan and it is all ever so sad and it is sad that the Parents can't go for their trip and sad that Mr Boring can't return and sad that Boyo and I will probably not be going. Though obviously none of that is as sad as what is happening to the poor Japanese.
 We went to see the Blue Church which is very random.
 Inside it is quite blue too, though if I were them I would have gone for a blue carpet in keeping with the theme.
 Outside the Blue Church there is a lovely statue. Obviously it has some kind of meaning but to me it was just funny.
 And after that we went for a riverside beer which was €2.50 which is very expensive for Slovakia and then the trip was over and I had to go home and deal with my sunburn. Yes really, sunburn on the 3rd of April. Summer is here!

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