Wednesday 6 April 2011

Searching for magnolias

It is finally properly, actually spring in Wienna. What better way to spend a day off (actually I am off until next Tuesday) than walking around with my camera. I started off by my house and had a good old nosy at the Hundertwasser thing (not sure exactly what it is)

 And then walked along just smiling at the spring.
 I know I must be nearly a grown up now, because before I never used to like flowers much.

 Now I can't get enough of them!

 There are lots of interesting things down by the side of the Donaukanal.
 This man must have been really really bored, because why else would you want to climb along the side of a wall?
 Yellow tulips are ever so lovely, maybe my second favourite flowers in the world (after white roses, if you were wondering)
 The purpose of my wanderings was to find something I have not seen before- the Augarten.
 It seemed very Viennese to me. Despite this, I quite liked it. It was full of random things. There was someone sleeping in a hammock, some people slacklining...
 ... a big Baroque palace and the famous Augarten pottery. Oh, and two MASSIVE Nazi flak towers left over from WW2.

 Somebody must have had a moment of clarity and realised they dislike their Mountain Delights as much as I dislike mine.
 I will never stop taking photos of fences against the sun and clouds. Sorry about that.
 Not only are the Austrians incredibly racist, they seem to be a bit sexist too. Beer is only for men, don't you know?
 After the Augarten I decided to go wandering a bit more, it was too early to go home. So off I walked up Schottenring. Still no sign of any magnolias.
 There are so many nice doors in Vienna. This one had a lady on one side and a French looking man in a beret on the other. How romantic.
 Now it's parsley time! This is something cute and typically Austrian. Once something is in season, it has to be used in EVERYTHING.
 Aus außer bei mit, nach zeit, von zu (gegenüber). Chances are that unless you have studied German to the level where you need to be able to use prepositions properly, you will not know that those are the prepositions that take the dative case. To a tune. That tune is the Blue Danube by good old Strauss. On Schottenring there is some kind of memorial about it.
 Some more blossoms caught my eye
 And suddenly, there it was:
 the lovely magnolia I had been searching for. There in Sigmund Freud park, just in front of the Votivkirche.

 Maybe they are my second favourite flowers actually. OK, so you should know that my search did not begin completely randomly, I actually knew there was a tree there and I wanted to go and take some pictures before all the flowers died.
 Across the road, right next to the Votivkirche was another lovely blossom tree.
 Somehow I ended up back by the Rathaus.
 The daffodils are lovely and made me think of Boyo. Even though their national plant is a leek. How attractive. Ha. Ha. Ha.

So that is all from this episode of Springwatch, join me next time when I will upload another load of photos and mindless ramblings!

1 comment:

  1. You are such a Yorkshire girl- I love white roses...

    Also, I love they way your blog has themes- I don't even think it's deliberate. One day it's architecture, the next day it's flowers- brilliant.
