Saturday 16 April 2011

Wales. There's luvly.

Hello Dears. Here I am, back on British soil. There was no point going back Oop North, as the Parents are away in Hercules and Mr Boring zoomed off to Deutschland the other day. So I decided to go to Boyo's house in Wales for want of anything better to do. Had I known how much time I would spend sitting around on my own, I might have thought differently but alas, alack, here I am. Here are some pictures. Sorry they are all of spring again.

 Caerleon is Boyo's home"town". I think it is actually a village. It has got something to do with Romans. There is an amphitheatre and it is the only something in Europe but I can't remember what. Never mind.

 As I have mentioned before, I rather like graveyards. I went for a lovely wander round Caerleon and the church. It was nice to not be in a Catholic cemetery, surrounded by over the top graves that are covered in gold and photographs and other tranklements which I find rather amusing. Ugh, I just spent 5 minutes trying to decide which relative pronoun to use. Too much time teaching English? I think so.

 Aaah, the Royal Mail. Is there anything quite so noble as a red postbox? Much better than boring yellow.

I have spent the day pondering differences between the UK and Austria. I know I haven't been having a totally fabulous time lately, but there are copious advantages to living there. For example, I had to get a bus today. It was a traumatic experience to say the least. At the bus stop, there is no sign telling you which buses stop there. There is no list of which stops come next and how long it takes to get to each. Neither is there any of this information inside the bus, or a helpful screen announcing the next stop. It's a wonder anyone gets anywhere! I for one would have appreciated the helpful Austrian system as I do not know my way around Newport and Caerleon and (this is nothing different to Austria) the bus driver was very rude. There are many other differences, but I think I will write a whole post about them at some point. Now I must go and admire my purchases from Primark. Until they get it in Austria, I will never be able to stay away from the UK for too long!

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